
Sunday, 20 January 2013


West Yellowstone is a town in Montana, adjacent to Yellowstone National Park. For many, the town of West Yellowstone is a place to stay while traveling through Yellowstone National Park.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

YELLOWSTONE, USA - Part 2 (Geyser)

Yellowstone National Park, home to over 10,000 thermal features and over 500 hundred of which are geysers. With half the earth’s geothermal features and more than two-thirds of the world’s geysers can be found here in Yellowstone.

Yellowstone is actually a massive caldera of a supervolcano whereby most area of Yellowstone sits inside an ancient volcanic caldera. Measuring 72 x 48km, it is one of the largest caldera in the world.

Sunday, 6 January 2013


DSCF3040Yellowstone National Park, designated as the world’s first national park in 1872 is also a World Heritage Site designated by UNESCO in 1978. Covering an area of 2.2 million acres, the park is huge.

So how does the name Yellowstone came about? ‘Mi tse a-da-zi’ meaning Yellow Rock River is named by the Native Indians who have lived in Yellowstone for more than 10,000 years.

Yellowstone comprises of lakes, canyons, river, mountain ranges and of course the geothermal areas. Half the earth’s geothermal features and more than two third of the world’s geysers can be found here in Yellowstone. Famous for its diverse and vast collection of geysers, hot springs, mudpots, and fumaroles, Yellowstone is like no other place on earth.