
Sunday, 19 May 2013

LOS ANGELES, USA - Chinatown & The Grove

DSCF4899The original Chinatown was demolished to make room for Union Station. The new Chinatown that we see today is located at where Los Angeles’ Little Italy originally used to be. In the 1920s and 1930s, Italians began to move out and Chinese began to move in to this area.

Sunday, 12 May 2013


Downtown Los Angeles is the central financial hub of the city where all the skyscrapers located. The tallest building in Los Angeles is the 73-story U.S. Bank Tower (left in the photo), which was completed in 1989. Skyscrapers are difficult and expensive to construct in Los Angeles due to the city's high rate of earthquakes and position near the San Andreas fault line. But the city’s skyline continues to grow rapidly due to improvements in seismic design standards, which has made building highly earthquake-resistant.