Merry Christmas 2014

08:01 Travel Bunny 0 Comments

DSC09464Merry Christmas 2014! Tis the season to be jolly. Christmas is the spirit of giving and we are joyful because we see the happiness in people.

DSC09398Greetings from Doha, Qatar. Celebrating Christmas is all not that sombre in Qatar, but it is also not so widely celebrated. 

DSC09497You will not see any Christmas decorations on the streets or in shopping complex. But you might come across some shops selling Christmas trees and its ornaments.

DSC09584Of course Christmas decorations and events can be seen in the majority of the hotels here in Doha.

DSC09396But let us always remember that Christmas is a day where Christians from all over the world commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.

DSC09397Once again, I want to wish all of you a Blessed Christmas.

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